17 results
Cricothyrotomy in the Field by Emergency Providers

#Cricothyrotomy #Emergency #clinical #video #nsfw #ems #procedure #criticalcare #airway
Cricothyrotomy in ... Providers #Cricothyrotomy ... clinical #video #nsfw
Bougie-Assisted Cricothyrotomy Equipment Needed #cricothyrotomy #bougie #intubation #airwaymanagement
Bougie-Assisted Cricothyrotomy ... Equipment Needed #cricothyrotomy
Emergency Cricothyrotomy

Original video by Dr. Reuben Strayer @emupdates

#Emergency #Cricothyrotomy #airway #procedure #clinical #video #criticalcare
Emergency Cricothyrotomy ... #Emergency #Cricothyrotomy
Active Hematemesis

the_resuscitationist @the_resuscitationist

#Hematemesis #physicalexam #clinical #video #NSFW
clinical #video #NSFW
Figure 2. The “laryngeal handshake,” from left to right: 1) hyoid, 2) thyroid, 3) cricoid, and
LaryngealHandshake #Cricothyrotomy
Pediatrics Surgical Airway - Percutaneous Cricothyrotomy - Procedure Checklist
Supply Checklist:
 • Sterile gloves, chlorhexidine
 • Lidocaine
- Percutaneous Cricothyrotomy ... #Percutaneous #Cricothyrotomy
Sternal Intraosseous (IO) Access Placement
I recently posted about the EZ-IO drill and mentioned sternal placement options
ems #paramedic #nsfw
Introduction to several different airways an anesthesiologist can utilize or may encounter in practice, along with
Cricothyrotomy (
Algorithm for the drowned airway - Josh Farkas @PulmCrit

#Management #CriticalCare #Drowned #Airway #Algorithm #Cricothyrotomy #Pulmcrit
Airway #Algorithm #Cricothyrotomy
Impact Trauma after Fall

the_resuscitationist @the_resuscitationist

#Impact #Fall #Trauma #clinical #video #nsfw
clinical #video #nsfw