7 results
Clinical findings and therapy for nerve agents VX and sarin.
#Management #Toxicology #NerveAgents #NerveGas #VX #Sarin #Algorithm
Management #Toxicology #NerveAgents
Nerve Agent Clinical Findings
#Diagnosis #Toxicology #NerveAgents #NerveGas #Sarin #VX #Symptoms #Timeline
Diagnosis #Toxicology #NerveAgents
Nerve agents are similar to organophosphate pesticides in their mechanism of action and symptomology. They phosphorylate
Toxicology #Mechanisms #NerveAgents
Nerve agent exposure is a generalized whole-body exposure. Similar to organophosphates, symptoms and signs result from
Toxicology #NerveGas #NerveAgents
Remember the symptoms & signs of Nerve Agent Poisoning with this infographic! Sam Birks
#Diagnosis #Toxicology #Organophosphate
Organophosphate #NerveAgents
In addition to management of ABCs, exposure to nerve gases requires antidotes. There are 3 important
Toxicology #NerveGas #NerveAgents
Nerve Agents - Toxicology
Agent - Color - Odor - Volatility - Lethal dose (LCt50) - Aging
DallasTXTox #NerveAgents