1992 results
Common Lumbar Root Syndromes

#Diagnosis #Radiculopathy #Lumbar #NerveRoot #Sensory #Motor #Deficits #Reflexes #Table
Radiculopathy #Lumbar #NerveRoot ... #Sensory #Motor
Common Cervical Root Syndromes

#Diagnosis #Radiculopathy #Cervical #NerveRoot #Sensory #Motor #Deficits #Reflexes #Table
Radiculopathy #Cervical #NerveRoot ... #Sensory #Motor
Spinal Cord Injury by Nerve Root Levels
Spinal Root	Sensory	Motor	Reflex
C4	Acromioclavicular Joint	Respiration	None
C5	Radial Antecubital Fossa	Elbow Flexion	Biceps Reflex
C6	Dorsal Thumb	Wrist Extension	Brachioradialis Reflex
C7	Dorsal
Spinal Root Sensory Motor ... SpinalCord #Injury #NerveRoots
Peripheral Sensory and Motor Deficits in Nerve Lesions

#Peripheral #Sensory #Motor #Deficits #Nerve #Lesions #Hands #Legs #Foot
Peripheral Sensory and Motor ... Peripheral #Sensory #Motor
Spinal Cord Anatomy - Sensory and Motor Pathways
 - Dorsal Column
 - Lateral Column
 - Anterior
- Sensory and Motor ... Anatomy #Sensory #Motor
Motor and Reflex Grading (0-5)

Motor Strength Grading

5	Normal

4	Reduced, moves against resistance

3	Moves against gravity

2	Moves only with elimination of
Motor and Reflex ... Grading (0-5) Motor ... Decreased 0 None #Motor
Motor Syndromes of Cerebral Palsy:

Spastic Hemiplegia, Spastic diplegia, Spastic quadriplegia (‘total body involvement’), Athetoid (extrapyramidal, dyskinetic)

Motor Syndromes ... CerebralPalsy #Motor
Bilateral LMN palsy with tongue weakness, wasting and fasciculations.  →  Bulbar motor Neuron disease

→ Bulbar motor ... video #neurology #physicalexam
Incomplete Spinal Cord Syndromes
Anterior Cord Syndrome:
 • Bilateral loss of motor, pain and temperature sensation below
Bilateral loss of motor ... • Sensory and motor ... Ipsilateral loss of motor
Tongue Innervation - Sensory and Motor Nerve Supply - Anatomy

By @rev.med

#Tongue #Innervation #Nerve #Supply #Anatomy
- Sensory and Motor