43 results
Multiple Cranial Neuropathies - High Yield Differential Diagnosis
 • Intrinsic brainstem process
 • Compressive brainstem process
Multiple Cranial Neuropathies ... Multiple #Cranial #Neuropathies
Pain Assessment and Management Initiative (PAMI) - Neuropathic Pain Medications:

Agent, Initiation Dose and Max Dosages

Initiative (PAMI) - Neuropathic ... #Pharmacology #Neuropathic
#Table 3 summarizes common types of neuropathies that should be considered according to their characteristic patterns
common types of neuropathies
Comparison between Venous, Arterial, Neuropathic Diabetic, and Pressure Ulcers. 

#Clinical #Diagnosis #PrimaryCare #vascular #Dermatology #SkinUlcers #foot
Venous, Arterial, Neuropathic
Neuropathic Pain: Pharmacotherapy Selection and Effectivity Decision Aid

Figure 2 provides a comparison icon array with natural
Neuropathic Pain ... interventions for neuropathic
Non-caseating granulomas (Composed of T-helper & inflammatory cells) 
 • Disease fatal in 10% of
palsy, peripheral neuropathies
Mechanisms of Pain
Mixed - Nociceptive/Neuropathic
Nociceptive - Tissue Damage
 - Visceral - (From organ/cavity lining) Poorly localized,
- Nociceptive/Neuropathic ... longer duration Neuropathic
Isocoria - Pupillary Defects - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Relative Afferent Pupil Defect
 • Optic Neuritis
 • Ischemic
Ischemic Optic Neuropathies
Celecoxib. COX-2-specific NSAID, lower thrombembolic risk than rofecoxib and valdecoxib.

Gabapentin - antiepileptic drug also used for
used for treating neuropathic
Diabetic Foot: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
 • Polyol Pathway - Excess glucose enters Polyol pathway ->
and autonomic neuropathies ... Sensory and motor neuropathies