14 results
Causes of Non-Fluent Aphasia - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Non-Fluent - Agrammatic, hesitant, but substantive communication
Impaired Repetition
Motor Aphasia #NonFluent
COVID-19 Findings on Lung ultrasound
 - Thickened pleural line
 - B lines (multifocal, discrete, or confluent)
, discrete, or confluent ... ) - Confluent
Lung ultrasound pathology in a COVID-19 positive patient
 - Few B-lines (vertical white lines)
 - Confluent
white lines) - Confluent
Clinical Features and Complications of Measles

Spreads downwards, from behind the ears to the whole Of the
becomes blotchy and confluent
ID Approach to Fever and Rash - Diagnostic Algorithm
Central Maculopapular (most common):
Measles, Parvovirus 819 / EBV,
Drug eruption Confluent
Vibrio vulnificus Infection- At the time of presentation, hemorrhagic bullae measuring 3.5 by 4.5 cm had
swelling with confluent
Focal epithelial hyperplasia/Heck disease. Acanthotic squamous epithelium with widened, confluent rete ridges, mild koilocytic change, and
with widened, confluent
Lichen planus 

A. Flat-topped, polygonal, sharply defined papules of violaceous color, grouped 
and confluent. Surface is
grouped and confluent
CT and ultrasonographic features of COVID-19 pneumonia
Lung CT:
 - Thickened pleura
 - Ground glass shadow and
, discrete, or confluent ... ) - Confluent
On the left a patient with ground glass pattern in a mosaic distribution.
Some lobules are involved
When they are confluent