7179 results
EUS-FNA/B for Subepithelial Lesions

Dr. Katarzyna Monika Pawlak @KM_Pawlak

#EUS #FNAB #Subepithelial #Lesions #gastroenterology #diagnosis #SEL
EUS-FNA/B for Subepithelial ... Katarzyna Monika ... #EUS #FNAB #Subepithelial
EUS - Subepithelial Lesions - Diagnosis and Management Summary

Dr. Katarzyna Monika Pawlak @KM_Pawlak

#EUS #Subepithelial #Lesions #Diagnosis
EUS - Subepithelial ... Katarzyna Monika ... KM_Pawlak #EUS #Subepithelial
Sarin's Classification of Gastric Varices
 - Gastroesophageal Varices (GOVs)
 - Isolated Gastric Varices (IGVs)

Dr. Katarzyna Monika
Katarzyna Monika
EUS assessment of Gastric Varices - Soderlund Classification

Dr. Katarzyna Monika Pawlak @KM_Pawlak

#Soderlund #Classification #EUS #Gastric #Varices
Katarzyna Monika
Pancreatic cystic lesions (PCLs)
 - classified into simple retention cysts, pseudocysts and cystic neoplasms 
histological and clinical ... Katarzyna Monika
Inflammatory mechanism of asthma. 
Airway epithelial cells exposed to activation stimuli, including allergens, viruses, and irritants,
into the airway subepithelial
Subepithelial Lesions - Stepwise Diagnosis Algorithm

#Subepithelial #Lesions #SELs #Stepwise #Algorithm #diagnosis #gastroenterology
Subepithelial Lesions ... Algorithm #Subepithelial
Endoscopic Ultrasound Basics - Gl wall structure- how many layers?
1st layer - hyperechoic - corresponds to
Katarzyna Monika
Bilateral Foot Drop secondary to Nonaka Myopathy

48 yr old lady, difficulty in climbing stairs x 8
Drop secondary to Nonaka ... Autosomal recessive Nonaka ... known as HIBM, Nonaka ... Bilateral #Foot #Drop #Nonaka ... GNE #Myopathy #clinical
Pingueculae are yellow-white, subepithelial conjunctival deposits that are typically found in the nasal or temporal anterior
yellow-white, subepithelial ... Ophthalmology #subepithelial ... conjunctiva #deposit #clinical