10 results
Small Bowel Obstruction
67 y/o M with PMH colon cancer s/p resection and colostomy, multiple SBO managed
fluid-filled, noncompressible ... #Obstruction #DilatedLoops
Appendicitis on Abdominal Ultrasound

Noncompressible tubular structure with adjacent hyperechoic peri-appendiceal fat.

Dr. J. Christian Fox @jchristianfox

#Appendicitis #Appendix
Ultrasound Noncompressible
Positive DVT study showing thrombus in the femoral vein (v), adjacent to the femoral artery (a)
DVT #Positive #Noncompressible
Acute Appendicitis on POCUS

A linear transducer is over anterior RLQ.  Noncompressible fluid-filled structure >6mm +
Indications for tPA in Stroke:
 • Clinical diagnosis of ischemic stroke
 • Measurable neurologic deficit
Arterial puncture at noncompressible
Appendicitis on POCUS

What is your diagnosis?
Resolution: appendicitis (criteria >6mm, noncompressible, blind-ended, no peristalsis). When diagnosed by
criteria >6mm, noncompressible
Interpreting the Ankle Brachial Index (ABI)

Normal ABI ranges from 1.0 — 1.4
Values above 1.4 suggest a
1.4 suggest a noncompressible
Colitis on POCUS

This 53yo male presents with right sided abdominal pain (maximal ttp where probe is).
diverticulitis, noncompressible
Appendicolith and Appendicitis on POCUS

Linear high frequency transducer, viewing an inflamed appendix in sax, with fecolith
appendicitis: >6mm, noncompressible
Mondor’s Disease - Physical examination revealed a tender subcutaneous cord that began below the right anterior
ultrasonography revealed a noncompressible