787 results
Acanthosis Nigricans: Velvety appearing, hyperpigmented skin. Associated with diabetes and a 
number of other disorders. Multiple
diabetes and a number ... Nigricans #SkinTags #Photo
Cutis Verticis Gyrata: Idiopathic development of excess folds and furrows within the skin of the head.
acromegaly, and a number ... Verticis #Gyrata #Photo
Polychromatophilia - Note 2 large blue-gray erythrocytes as seen on H&E stain. On a stain for
The left photo also ... and the right photo ... rapidly and in great numbers
Pyoderma Gangrenosum: Autoimmune disorder resulting in a vasculitis which causes slowly progressive 
ulceration of the skin.
associated with a number ... Images #Clinical #Photo
Ptosis: Eye lids drooping below what would be expected for normal coverage. Associated with a 
Associated with a a number ... Ophthalmology #Photo
Clubbing of the Fiingers: Bulbous appearance of the distal fingers associated with a 
number of uncommon
associated with a number ... Images #Clinical #Photo
Spherocytes - The arrow points to one of many spherocytes in this photo. The cells have
spherocytes in this photo ... newborns, a large number
Scleritis: Inflammation limited to the sclera. Note markedly dilated blood vessels which do not extend
onto the
Associated with a number ... Ophthalmology #Photo
Clubbing of the Fiingers: Bulbous appearance of the distal fingers associated with a number of uncommon
associated with a number ... Images #Clinical #Photo
Numerical Mnemonic for Salter Harris Fractures 
Imagine numbers drawn through the epiphyseal plate.

#Diagnosis #Ortho #SalterHarris #Fractures
Fractures Imagine numbers ... Types #Mnemonic #Numbers