261 results
Acanthosis Nigricans: Velvety appearing, hyperpigmented skin. Associated with diabetes and a 
number of other disorders. Multiple
diabetes and a number ... Goldberg, M.D. - UCSD ... SkinTags #Photo #UCSDH
Cutis Verticis Gyrata: Idiopathic development of excess folds and furrows within the skin of the head.
acromegaly, and a number ... Goldberg, M.D. - UCSD ... Gyrata #Photo #UCSDH
Numerical Mnemonic for Salter Harris Fractures 
Imagine numbers drawn through the epiphyseal plate.

#Diagnosis #Ortho #SalterHarris #Fractures
Fractures Imagine numbers ... #Diagnosis #Ortho ... Types #Mnemonic #Numbers
Pyoderma Gangrenosum: Autoimmune disorder resulting in a vasculitis which causes slowly progressive 
ulceration of the skin.
associated with a number ... Goldberg, M.D. - UCSD ... #Gangrenosum #UCSDH
Transverse Nail Ridges: Horizontal lines which are a marker of a past episode of severe illness
. - UCSD Catalog ... FingerNails #Ridges #UCSDH ... #PhysicalExam
Babinski Response: Note upgoing great toe upon stimulation of lateral foot in patient with
upper motor neuron
. - UCSD Catalog ... UpperMotorNeuron #UCSDH ... #PhysicalExam
Spider Angioma on Physical Exam

Spider angiomas are an important physical finding of cirrhosis. The size and
The size and number ... Spider #Angioma #PhysicalExam
 - Think of DKA and HHS on a spectrum of hyperglycemic emergencies
home insulin, numbers ... comparison #laboratory #diagnosis
Erythroderma - Diagnostic Algorithm. Pathophysiology: 1) Extensive cutaneous capillary dilation, results in widespread exfoliation of the
Erythroderma - Diagnostic ... rate, increased number ... Skin-homing T-cells #Diagnosis
How to measure Pulsus Paradoxus
 - Step 1: Take a normal manual blood pressure to determine
cuff to get this number ... Record the number ... instructions #cardiology #physicalexam