777 results
Shock - Pathophysiology 
Inadequate tissue perfusion to meet O2, nutrient requirements
1. Distributive Shock
2. Hypovolemic Shock
3. Cardiogenic
Shock - Pathophysiology ... perfusion to meet O2, nutrient ... Shock #Shock #Pathophysiology
Hepatic Portal Venous System Drainage Anatomy
1) Most of the blood from abdominal organs goes into the
not the IVC 2) Nutrient ... System #Anatomy #Pathophysiology
Anemia of Chronic Disease - Pathophysiology
One theory to explain why "anemia of chronic disease" exists:
The inflammatory
Chronic Disease - Pathophysiology ... require iron as a nutrient ... disease #hematology #pathophysiology
Acute Compartment Syndrome
 • Crush injuries, burns, circumferential constriction to limbs (each containing facially divided muscle
prevents O2 and nutrient ... CompartmentSyndrome #ACS #pathophysiology
Refeeding Syndrome: Pathogenesis and clinical findings

Patients at Risk of Refeeding Syndrome:
 - Little or no nutritional
fluid, salt and nutrients ... Syndrome #diagnosis #pathophysiology
Age Related Macular Degeneration: Pathogenesis and clinical findings

Photoreceptor atrophy 
-> Extracellular debris (drusen) from RPE atrophy/metabolism
to retina -> Nutrients ... MacularDegeneration #pathophysiology
Bulimia Nervosa: Complications
 • Dehydration & inability to digest food -> Constipation
 • Recurrent vomiting exposes
due to lack of nutrients ... Infertility • Lack of nutrients ... Complications #pathophysiology
Clinical Manifestations and Laboratory Findings in Malabsorption of Various Nutrients

#Malabsorption #Nutrients #diagnosis #differential #table #nutrition
Malabsorption of Various Nutrients ... Malabsorption #Nutrients
Menstrual Cycle Physiology: the Uterine Cycle
The endometrium has receptors for ovarian hormones! Changes in structure and
secretion of: Nutrient-rich ... #OvarianCycle #pathophysiology
Causes of Nutrient Malabsorption in Children

#Nutrient #Malabsorption #Peds #Pediatrics #Diagnosis #Differential #Gastroenterology #Nutrition
Causes of Nutrient ... in Children #Nutrient