13 results
Bell's Phenomenon (Palpebral-Oculogyric Reflex) on Physical Exam

Upward movement of the eyeball when the eyelids are forcefully
Bell's Phenomenon (Palpebral-Oculogyric ... Bells #Phenomenon #Palpebral ... #Oculogyric #Reflex
Varying Degrees of Palpebral Conjunctival Pallor in four patients with hemoglobin levels:
(a) 7.3
(b) 12.7
(c) 14.0
(d) 14.5

Varying Degrees of Palpebral
Characteristic clinical manifestations of Down syndrome 
Typical craniofacial appearance 
 • Round face and flat
• Upslanted palpebral ... inner edge of the palpebral
Horner's Syndrome
 • Anhidrosis: Diminished sweating of ipsilateral face and neck
 • Miosis: Loss of sympathetic
palsy (levator palpebrae
Oculogyric Crisis (OGC) on Neurological Exam

Oculogyric crises are spasmodic movements of the eyes, usually upwards, into
Oculogyric Crisis ... Neurological Exam Oculogyric ... #Oculogyric #Crisis
CN III Palsy - Oculomotor Nerve
 • Ptosis: Loss of innervation of the levator palpebrae superior.
of the levator palpebrae
Marcus-Gunn Jaw Winking Ptosis

Marcus Gunn Jaw Winking Ptosis is the most common form of congenital neurogenic
controlling the levator palpebrae
Thyroid Eye Signs 
Lid Signs
    Dalrymple’s Sign: Lid Retraction.
of the levator palpebrae
Ptosis - Differential Diagnosis Framework

Ptosis (Greek- to fall) Drooping of the upper eyelid that usually results
striated levator palpebrae
Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis (VKC) with Shield Ulcer - Slit Lamp Examination

This male reported to clinic with decreased
papillae on the palpebral