855 results
The most common identified chest wall abnormalities are old ribfractures.
The CXR shows many rib deformities due
abnormalities are old ... deformities due to old ... Radiology #CXR #Old ... Rib #Fractures #RadiologyAssistant
More than 100 entities manifest as diffuse lung disease.
Fortunately only about 10 of these account for
some of them the old ... Mnemonic #HRCT #RadiologyAssistant
On the left a patient with CHF. 
There is an increase in heart size compared to
compared to the old ... comparison to old ... Exacerbation #Comparison #RadiologyAssistant
On the left a case with multiple cysts that are evenly distributed througout the lung (
was a 40 year old ... #Pneumothorax #RadiologyAssistant
When a rib fracture heals, the callus formation may create a mass-like appearance (blue arrow).
Sometimes a
Radiology #CXR #Old ... #Pseudotumor #RadiologyAssistant
Study the CXR of a 70-year old male who fell from the stairs and has severe
CXR of a 70-year old ... #Atelectasis #RadiologyAssistant
Congestive heart failure
The findings are:
 - bilateral perihilar consolidation with air bronchograms and ill-defined borders
like to look at old ... Radiology #CXR #CHF #RadiologyAssistant
Differential diagnosis
The table summarizes the most common diseases, that present with consolidation.
Chronic diseases are indicated in
The old name is ... Differential #Table #RadiologyAssistant
Alveolar proteinosis is a rare disease characterized by filling of the alveolar spaces with PAS positive
30 and 50 years old ... #CrazyPaving #RadiologyAssistant
Based on the CXR that you just saw, you could have made the diagnosis of congestive
compare it to the old ... compared to the old ... Interstitial #Edema #RadiologyAssistant