877 results
POCUS - Measuring Cardiac Output
1) Calculate LVOT Area
2) Calculate LVOT VTI
3) Calculate Cardiac Output

Measuring Cardiac Output ... Calculate Cardiac Output ... Pocus101 #Cardiac #Output ... #CO #POCUS #Echocardiogram
Type A Dissection Flap on Transthoracic Echocardiogram

Case of the week: Outpt TTE, 3month f/u EF monitor
Transthoracic Echocardiogram ... Case of the week: Outpt ... Dissection #Flap #Echocardiogram
Atrial Myxoma Obstructing LV Inflow

Middle aged pt p/w dyspnea. Outpt echo.

 - Dr. Musa A. Sharkawi

Outpt echo. ... Atrial #Myxoma #Echocardiogram
Quincke's Pulse in a patient with a normal echocardiogram (non-valvular)

A 70 y/o man presents with new
with a normal echocardiogram ... Quincke's pulse = high-output ... to confirm high-output
POCUS Echocardiogram Volume Assessment

Echo provides increased accuracy and insight into volume state assessment. This grid illustrates
POCUS Echocardiogram ... dehydration/intake/output ... DrJonoHenry #POCUS #Echocardiogram
Causes of Urinary Incontinence - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
 - Transient - Easily reversible cause (DIAPPERS)
Excessive urine output ... • Bladder Outlet
Brachial Plexus Lesions - Localization and Presentation

Erb palsy ("waiter's tip"), 
Klumpke palsy, 
Thoracic outlet syndrome, Winged
palsy, Thoracic outlet
Perhaps quite too often, the knee-jerk reaction to an elevated Troponin is to call our friends
resting cardiac output ... algorithm #cardiology #echocardiogram
Normal urine output 
- 0.5 to 1.5 cc/kg/hour 
- A patient should be urinating at least
Normal urine output ... Decreased urine output ... minimal urine output ... adults #urine #output
Parasternal Long Axis (PLAX) Window - POCUS Echocardiogram Anatomy

#Parasternal #LongAxis #PLAX #Window #Anatomy #echocardiogram #view #POCUS
Window - POCUS Echocardiogram ... Window #Anatomy #echocardiogram