28 results
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
Intestinal Methanogen Overgrowth (IMO)
Diagnostic Testing
Conditions Associated with SIBO

Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth ... Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth ... Intestinal Methanogen Overgrowth ... Intestinal #Bacterial #Overgrowth
Clinical Features and Complications of β-thalassaemia Major
 - Pallor
 - Jaundice
 - Bossing of the skull
- Maxillary overgrowth
Acute Otitis Externa (Swimmer’s Ear): Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Pathogens = Pseudomonas aeruginosa (most common opportunistic), Staphylococcus,
) -> Bacterial overgrowth ... canal -> Pathogen overgrowth
Rachitic Rosary of Rickets on Physical Exam

Bead-like prominences of bone are seen at the costochondral joints.
mineralization causes an overgrowth
Chronic Diarrhea Differential Diagnosis
 • Inflammatory, Infectious: Recurrent C. diff, Giardiasis
 • Inflammatory, Non-infectious: IBD, Ischemia,
Medication, Bacterial overgrowth
Common causes of post-Transplant Diarrhea
 • Bacterial: Clostridium difficile, Campylobacter spp., Salmonella spp., Bacterial overgrowth, Aeromonus
., Bacterial overgrowth
Important causes of diarrhea in people with HIV/AIDS
Severity, chronicity/persistence will depend On CD4 count & sites
Shigella, bacterial overgrowth
Iron Deficiency Anemia - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm

Labs: Ferritin, iron, transferrin, TIBC, TSAT, sTfR

 • Blood loss:
surgery, Bacterial overgrowth
Causes of Low Vitamin B12 Levels
Low vitamin B12 intake - Vegetarianism, chronic alcoholism and older people
intestinal bacterial overgrowth
Management of Abdominal Distension and Bloating - Treatment Algorithm

Organic/Pathologic Etiologies:
 • Small Intestinal Bowel Overgrowth (SIBO)
Intestinal Bowel Overgrowth