114 results
Pulmonary Arterial Catheterization – Use and Interpretation:
-Pulmonary arterial catheterization (PAC) has never been shown to improve
-mixed venous oxyhemoglobin ... #Diagnosis #PACatheter
Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve 

Left Shift - decreased unloading of O2 at tissue level (i.e.  increased
Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation ... cell anemia #Oxyhemoglobin
Here is a quick IV catheter and flow rate reference chart (follower requested info)...
*For Educational Purposes
is a quick IV catheter ... Purposes Only* #IVCatheter
Swan Ganz - Pulmonary Artery Catheter Basics

Nick Mark MD @nickmmark

#PA #SwanGanz #Pulmonary #Artery #Catheter #Basics #Diagnosis
Pulmonary Artery Catheter ... Pulmonary #Artery #Catheter
Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve
#Pathophys #Oxyhemoglobin #Dissociation #Curve
Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation ... Curve #Pathophys #Oxyhemoglobin
Catheter Sizes - French vs Gauge

- Dr. Rishi Kumar @rishikumarmd

#Catheter #Sizes #French #Gauge #comparison #graph #sizing
Catheter Sizes - ... rishikumarmd #Catheter
Peripheral IV Catheters - Colors, Sizes and Flow Rates
#Management #Peripheral #PIV #Intravenous #Access #Catheter #FlowRates #Nursing
Intravenous #Access #Catheter
Pulmonary Artery Catheter Pressures
Normal: RA 0-8, RV 15-25/0-8, Mean PAP <25, PCWP 8-12, Cardiac Index 2.6-4.2
Pulmonary Artery Catheter ... Pulmonary #Artery #Catheter

Also Consider:
 - Ultrasound + Probe Cover
 - Patient Drapes
CENTRAL VENOUS CATHETER ... CentralLine #Venous #Catheter
Leukocyte Esterase and Nitrites on Urinalysis
Leukocyte Esterase: Urinary tract infection, Indwelling urinary catheter, Recent instrumentation of
Indwelling urinary catheter ... Indwelling urinary catheter