16 results
Driving Pressure in Mechanical Ventilation

Driving Pressure (delta P) = Pplat - PEEP

Salim R. Rezaie, MD @srrezaie

Pressure (delta P) = Pplat ... DrivingPressure #MechanicalVentilation
Balloon Visualization - Mechanical Ventilation Pressures - PIP, PPlat, PEEP

Peak Inspiratory Pressure (PIP): Dynamic pressure needed
Pressures - PIP, PPlat ... Plateau Pressure (PPlat ... compliance) #MechanicalVentilation ... #Pressures #PPlat
Lung Injury Ventilation & ARDSnet

#criticalcare #coronavirus #covid19 #ventilator #mechancialventilation #management #sarscov2
covid19 #ventilator #mechancialventilation
Ventilator Tip Sheet for non-Critical Care Respiratory Therapists and RT Extenders

Keith D. Lamb RT @kdlamb1

#Ventilator #Tips
RespiratoryTherapy #MechanicalVentilation
The biotrauma hypothesis of ventilator-induced lung injury. IL = interleukin; PEEP = positive end-expiratory pressure; Pplat
end-expiratory pressure; Pplat
Ventilator Troubleshooting Summary
High PIP, nl Pplat:
 - DDx: Tubing problem, Bronchospasm, Secretions
 - Next Steps: Check
Summary High PIP, nl Pplat ... High PIP, high Pplat
Ventilator Waveform Troubleshooting - High Peak Pressures

This OnePager explains how you can rapidly determine if High
CriticalCare #PPeak #PPlat
If your PIP and Plateau are both elevated then this indicates lung disease and decreased compliance
CriticalCare #PIP #PPlat
Airway Pressure Release Ventilation (APRV) - Early application of airway pressure release ventilation may reduce the
compliance, decreased Pplat
What is Auto-PEEP?
 • Progressive air trapping & dynamic hyperinflation → ↑Palv at end expiration
#criticalcare #MechanicalVentilation