Airway Pressure Release Ventilation (APRV) - Early application of airway pressure release ventilation may reduce the duration of mechanical ventilation in acute respiratory distress syndrome

Conclusion: Compared with LTV, early application of APRV in patients with ARDS improved oxygenation and respiratory system compliance, decreased Pplat and reduced the duration of both mechanical ventilation and ICU stay.

Intensive Care Med. 2017 Nov;43(11):1648-1659

- Visual Abstract by Dr. Jonny Wilkinson @Wilkinsonjonny 

#APRV #Ventilation #ARDS #VisualAbstract #Pulmonary #EBM #CriticalCare 
Dr Jonny Wilkinson @jonnywilkinson · 6 years ago
ICU / Anaesthesia Consultant, Northampton UK. Founder of POCUS obsessed! Ed in Chief Oxford Specialist Handbook of Thoracic Anaesthesia. Twitter:
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