2237 results
Metabolic Pathways of Purple Urine Bag Syndrome: Adopted from chart originally published in Purple Urine Bag
patients with PUBS ... Pathophysiology #Pathways #PUBS
Hip and Pelvic Bone Anatomy
 - Ilium
 - Sacrum
 - Pubis
 - Ischium

#Hip #Pelvic #Pelvis #Bone
Ilium - Sacrum - Pubis
Purple Urine Bag Syndrome
Chronic, indwelling catheter + bacteriuria (Providencia, Klebsiella, E.coli*) + alkaline urine
Tryptophan → Indoxyl
Bag #Syndrome #PUBS
Foot Anatomy - Foot Bones
Mnemonic - Tiger Cubs Need MILC
T - Talus
C - Calcaneus
N - Navicular
Mnemonic - Tiger Cubs
Foot Anatomy - Foot Bones
Mnemonic - Tiger Cubs Need MILC
T - Talus
C - Calcaneus
N - Navicular
Mnemonic - Tiger Cubs
Ureter Pus Expression after DJ Ureteral Stent Placement on Cystoscopy - Emphysematous Pyelonephritis

Dr. Ranjeet Patil @ranjeet004

Ureter Pus Expression ... @ranjeet004 #Pus
Jugular Venous Pressure Measurement
Examiner places the patient in a reclined position and puts the base of
reclined position and puts
CDC Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) Treatment Guidelines, 2021
 • Bacterial Vaginosis
 • Cervicitis
 • Chlamydial Infections
• Pediculosis Pubis
This is what a shoulder dislocation looks like on US before and after reduction. Focus on
Focus on the joint ... EM_RESUS #Clinical #POCUS
Focus Assessed Transthoracic Echo (FATE) - Basic FATE views

Pos 1: Subcostal 4-chamber

Pos 2: Apical 4-chamber

Pos 3:
Focus Assessed Transthoracic ... Echocardiogram #POCUS