127 results
Acute Pain Control In Patients On Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT)
Methadone - µ-opioid receptor agonist:
1) Continue maintenance
iMedEducation #MAT #PainControl ... methadone #addiction #opiate
Typical Withdrawal Characteristics of Various Opiates / Time course of opiate withdrawal. 
- Half-life
- Onset of
Characteristics of Various Opiates ... Time course of opiate ... withdrawal #Opiates
Equianalgesic Opioid Dosing 

#Pharmacology #Pain #Opioid #Opiate #Conversion #Equianalgesic #Table
#Pain #Opioid #Opiate
COWS Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale
5-12 mild; 13-24 moderate; 25-36 moderately severe; more than 36 =
COWS Clinical Opiate ... Addiction #COWS #Opiate
Pain Assessment and Management Initiative (PAMI) - Opioid Prescribing and Equianalgesic Chart - Agents and Dosing

Pharmacology #Opioid #Opiate
ED-Bridge Buprenorphine Algorithm for management of acute opiate withdrawal in the ED

#Management #Opioid #Withdrawal #Emergency #Buprenorphine
management of acute opiate
Clinical Signs and Symptoms of opioid withdrawal Illustrated

#opioid #withdrawal #opiate #Signs #Symptoms
opioid #withdrawal #opiate
Mydriasis and Miosis - Differential Diagnosis Framework

Causes of Mydriasis:
Dilated pupils (mydriasis) more than 7mm
 • Unilateral
- Medications: Opiate ... - Medications: Opiates
Table A is a standard conversion of equianalgesic opioids. Many practice sites or text books may
Pharmacology #Pain #Opiate
Opioid equivalencies - Morphine, Oxycodone, Hydromorphone - Simplified Conversion Table
Morphine 30 PO = 10 IV =
BrighamChiefs #Opioid #opiate