61 results
Demonstration of the parasternal heave using a long Q-tip, known as the "Cooney technique" ( @
using a long Q-tip ... movement of the Q-tip ... amzn.to/2LmUODZ #ParasternalHeave ... #Heave #QTip #PhysicalExam
Q-Tip Visualization of Jugular Venous Pulsations on Physical Exam

Akbar @ordinaryEKG

#QTip #Jugular #Venous #Pulsations #JVP #JVD #PhysicalExam
Q-Tip Visualization ... @ordinaryEKG #QTip
Ventilator Tip Sheet for non-Critical Care Respiratory Therapists and RT Extenders

Keith D. Lamb RT @kdlamb1

#Ventilator #Tips
Ventilator Tip Sheet
EZ-IO® Device Proximal
Humerus Identification
and Insertion Technique

 • Prepare the site by using antiseptic solution per institutional
the needle set tip ... the needle set tip ... skin until the tip
Brachial Plexus Lesions - Localization and Presentation

Erb palsy ("waiter's tip"), 
Klumpke palsy, 
Thoracic outlet syndrome, Winged
palsy ("waiter's tip
Odontoid Fractures 
Type I  [Stable]  - Avulsion of the tip 
Type II [Unstable] -
Avulsion of the tip
Blakemore Tube Procedure Instructions

1) Resuscitate & Intubate  - After resuscitating. intubate with head of bed
the BT with the tip ... the BT with the tip
Warfarin to DOAC and DOAC to Warfarin Transitions 

Here are a couple of charts to help
Quick tip: apixaban
Dropped Foot Gait - Paralysis of Dorsal Flexion of the Foot.
When trying to walk the tip
trying to walk the tip
Cardiac Tamponade - Guidelines for Crises in Anaesthesia
Caused by an accumulation of blood, pus, effusion fluid
• Identify tip ... immediately to left of tip