170 results
Garland Triad on Chest X-Ray in Sarcoidosis 
aka Pawnbroker's Sign - Right paratracheal and bilateral hilar
Garland Triad on ... Pawnbroker's Sign - Right paratracheal ... drdevrad #Garland #Triad
Enlargement of the hili is usually due to lymphadenopathy or enlarged vessels.
In this case there is
right hilum and paratracheal ... #CXR #Garland #Triad
Pericardial Tamponade
Beck's Triad 
1. Hypotension 
2. Jugular venous distension 
3. Muffled heart sounds 
Patient will be
Tamponade Beck's Triad ... hypotension (Beck’s triad ... Tamponade #Becks #Triad
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) 
Ruptured or Leaking AAA Triad 
 - Abdominal pain 
 - Hypotension
or Leaking AAA Triad ... Aneurysm #AAA #Triad
#Clinical #Radiology #CXR #Garland #Triad #GarlandTriad #Sarcoidosis #Lymphadenopathy #ParatrachealStripe #RadiologyAssistant
#CXR #Garland #Triad
Boerhaave Syndrome 
Iatrogenic (most common)
Left Posterolateral most common

Mackler's Triad:
Lower Chest Pain
Subcutaneous Emphysema

#Boerhaave #Syndrome #Diagnosis #Signs
common Mackler's Triad
Meniere Disease - Endolymphatic hydrops - TRIAD 
1 Episodic vertigo (a true spinning sensation) 
2 Sensorineural
Endolymphatic hydrops - TRIAD
ISCHEMIA Trial - Management Algorithm for patients with Stable Angina

Stress Test -> ? +moderate or severe
ISCHEMIA Trial - ... with the ISCHEMIA trial ... results of ISCHEMIA trial ... Cardiology #EBM #Trial
Infectious Mononucleosis - Diagnosis and Serologies
Triad of fever, tonsillar pharyngitis, and lymphadenopathy
Heterophile is not recomended by
and Serologies Triad
Autoimmune Myositis
Necrotizing myopathy is associated with higher CK levels, greater level of muscle weakness, less systemic
syndrome- Classic triad ... arthritis (19% w/full triad