4 results
Cysticercosis - Taenia solium Life Cycle
1) Eggs or gravid proglottids in feces and passed into environment.
cysticerci. 5) Humans ... pathophysiology #infectiousdiseases ... #cdc #parasite
Amebiasis - Balamuthia mandrillaris Life Cycle
1) Cysts
2) Trophozoite
3) Mitosis
4) Amebae (cysts and trophozoites) can enter humans
trophozoites) can enter humans ... pathophysiology #infectiousdiseases ... #cdc #parasite
Amebiasis - Acanthamoeba Life Cycle
1) Cysts
2) Trophozoite
3) Mitosis
4) Amebae (cysts and trophozoites) can enter humans in
trophozoites) can enter humans ... pathophysiology #infectiousdiseases ... #cdc #parasite
Anisakiasis - Life Cycle
Anisakis, Pseudoterranova, Contracecum
1) Definitive hosts excrete unembryonated eggs in
2a) Eggs become embryonated in
Transmission to humans ... pathophysiology #infectiousdiseases ... #cdc #parasite