14 results
Perirectal Abscess

Charlie Goldberg, M.D. - UCSD Catalog of Clinical Images

#Clinical #Photo #Perirectal #Abscess #Perianal #UCSDH
Perirectal Abscess ... Clinical #Photo #Perirectal
Perirectal Cellulitis: Extensive inflammation and swelling of the right buttocks secondary to infection.
This can be distinguished
Perirectal Cellulitis ... distinguished from a perirectal ... Clinical #Photo #Perirectal
Perirectal Abscess: Infection originates in the rectum, extending to the opening seen on the buttocks.

Charlie Goldberg,
Perirectal Abscess ... Clinical #Photo #Perirectal
Retroperitoneal Space - Sagittal Anatomy
 • Anterior Pararenal Space
 • Perirenal Space
 • Posterior Pararenal Space

Pararenal Space • Perirenal
Thrombosed External Hemorrhoid: Presents as acute, painful swelling in perirectal area. Black
discoloration is due to central
painful swelling in perirectal
Perirenal Extramedullary Hematopoiesis - Magnetic resonance imaging of the abdomen, performed without the administration of contrast
Perirenal Extramedullary ... both sides of the perirenal ... from the left perirenal ... suggestive of perirenal
Perirenal Retroperitoneal Hemorrhage on POCUS 

Elderly male with hypotension/abd pain.  Perihepatic window shown. Diagnosis?
Answer: Patient
Perirenal Retroperitoneal ... amount of fluid in perirenal ... 1234487232863535109 #Perirenal
Retroperitoneal Space Anatomy
Fascial Anatomy: 
 - Anterior Renal Fascia
 - Lateroconal Fascia
 - Posterior Renal Fascia
Perirenal space
Scrotal Fistula: Necrotizing fasciitis has resulted in fistula between perirectal infection and scrotal
area. The scotal opening
fistula between perirectal
Fistula-In-Ano: External opening of fistulus tract is apparent in photo above. Proximal opening would
be at level
associated with perirectal