Perirenal Extramedullary Hematopoiesis - Magnetic resonance imaging of the abdomen, performed without the administration of contrast material, revealed splenomegaly, a normal-appearing liver, ascites, and rimlike lesions on both sides of the perirenal space (Panel A, arrows). A biopsy specimen obtained from the left perirenal lesion had hematopoietic elements, including erythroid and myeloid precursors (Panel B, blue and red arrows, respectively) and megakaryocytes (Panel B, yellow arrow), with focal hemosiderin deposition, all of which were suggestive of perirenal extramedullary hematopoiesis #cilnical #Radiology #Pathology #Honc #MRI #PerirenalExtramedullaryHematopoiesis #ExtramedullaryHematopoiesis #Microscopy #NEJM
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