15 results
Phalanges - Hand Anatomy

Joints between phalanges are named interphalangeal meaning “between phalanges.” Because each finger has
Phalanges - Hand ... Joints between phalanges ... meaning “between phalanges ... middle and distal phalange ... #Phalanges #Hand
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA): Pathogenesis and Joint diseases features
 • RA affects 1% of population, women >
wrists, metacarpal-phalangeals ... Extra-articular signs #RheumatoidArthritis
Unicondylar proximal phalangeal fractures can be classified into four basic groups: oblique volar (I), long sagittal
Unicondylar proximal phalangeal
Telescoping Fingers on Physical Exam

A 69-year-old woman with rheumatoid arthritis presented for the treatment of severe
PhysicalExam #RA #RheumatoidArthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA): X-ray features
 • Soft tissue swelling (best seen by comparing left & right
different planes) #RheumatoidArthritis
On the left a patient with rheumatoid arthritis and bilateral peripheral consolidations as a result of
Organizing #Pneumonia #RheumatoidArthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA): Extra-articular manifestations
 • Inflammation of skin (esp. over areas of stress) forms
auscultation #RheumatoidArthritis
Hand X-Ray Anatomy and Interpretation Checklist
1. Soft tissues - Look carefully at the soft tissue over
start from the phalanges
Boutonniere Deformity of the Middle Finger: Associated with chronic rheumatoid arthritis..

Charlie Goldberg, M.D. - UCSD Catalog
Boutonniere #Deformity #RheumatoidArthritis
Rheumatoid Changes of the Hand: Chronic inflammation of the MCP joints has lead to their
deformity, with
Clinical #Photo #RheumatoidArthritis