7 results
Diagnosis of active multiple myeloma is not just CRAB; it's actually "SLiM CRAB" @Majorajay & @Vincentrk

SLIMCRAB #Oncology #HemeOnc ... #Hematology #PlasmaCell
Plasmacytomas and Plasma-Cell Leukemia - Physical examination revealed multiple exophytic subcutaneous lesions involving the arms and
Plasmacytomas #PlasmaCell
Plasma cell leukemia with extensive rouleaux formation. Aggressive disease & patients typically younger than other forms
evemariecrane #PlasmaCell
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) - Summary
 • Most common leukemia in adults
 • Disorder of
oncology #hematology #hemeonc
Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT) - Diagnosis and Management - GrepMed Handbook

 • Plts ↓50% (nadir
Treatment #Hematology #HemeOnc
Neoplastic plasma cells with nucleoli (left image) and intranuclear Dutcher body (right image).

Dutcher bodies are round,
Smear #Microscopy #PlasmaCells
Myeloma: In this BM core, most plasma cells contain cytoplasmic immunoglobulin (Russell bodies).

They're difficult to identify
RussellBodies #Body #PlasmaCells