7 results
Endoscopy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) - Scoping Summary
 • One way to ileum- tips &
Pouchoscopy ... #Inflammatory #BowelDisease
IBD - Assessment of Lack of Response (sLOR) - Differential Diagnosis
Non-inflammatory mechanisms:
 • IBS
 • Fibrostenotic
#Inflammatory #BowelDisease
Ileal Pouch Cancer Surveillance - Pouchoscopy

#Ileal #Pouch #Surveillance #Cancer #Pouchoscopy #gastroenterology #management
Surveillance - Pouchoscopy ... Surveillance #Cancer #Pouchoscopy
IBD and Pregnancy: Managing Flares
Laboratory Values - Endoscopy - Radiologic imaging - Surgery - Medication

#inflammatory #boweldisease
#inflammatory #boweldisease
Algorithm for the Evaluation of CARP Pouchitis and Pouch Disorders - Recurrent Pouchitis on Pouchoscopy &
Recurrent Pouchitis on Pouchoscopy
Diets and Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
Diet affects IBD by 3 mechanisms
1. Microbiome ( ↓ diversity)
2. Mucosal
#Inflammatory #BowelDisease
Thiopurines in IBD
 • Steroid-sparing agents indicated for maintenance of remission in UC and CD
#Inflammatory #BowelDisease