25 results
CATCH Predictors for Clinically Significant TBI 
 - GCS Less than 15 at 2 hours post
CATCH Predictors ... helmet #CATCH #Predictors
Acute Coronary Syndrome - Diagnostic Likelihood Ratios for Symptoms and Physical Examination. 

Source:  Does This
ChestPain #Cardiac #Predictors
Seth Trueger
@MDaware - which drunks in the ED are hiding badness? by @jonbcole2 @brian_driver @RJelinek @hcmcEM
AlcoholIntoxication #Predictors
Predicting Failure of Outpatient Oral Antibiotics for Cellulitis

Odds Ratios by symptoms: Fever, Chronic Leg Ulcers, Edema,
Cellulitis #Outpatient #Predictors
CHALICE Predictors of Clinically Significant Head Iniury 
 - Witnessed LOC > 5min 
CHALICE Predictors ... object #CHALICE #Predictors
Canadian Syncope Risk Score
The risk tool consists of nine predictors, with the score for each predictor
consists of nine predictors ... score for each predictor
Canadian Syncope Risk Score
The risk tool consists of nine predictors, with the score for each predictor
consists of nine predictors ... score for each predictor
SMART-COP predicts people with CAP who will require admission to intensive care requiring ventillatory or vasopressor
SMART-COP predicts
Lead AVR on ECG
1. Acute myocardial infarction: ST elevation > 1.5 mm in aVR, indicative of
ACS patients: predictor ... wave in aVR • Predictor
Management of patients with known or suspected malignant pleural effusion (MPE) - An Official ATS/STS/STR Clinical
are not great predictors