2197 results
Relative Risk of Various Predisoosing Conditions for Infective Endocarditis 
High Risk:
 - Prosthetic valves 
Risk of Various Predisoosing ... Cardiology #Diagnosis #Differential ... #Predisposing
Predisposing Conditions and Microbial Isolates in Patients with Brain Abscess.

#Brain #Abscess #Pathogens #Diagnosis #Differential #Causes #NEJM
Predisposing Conditions ... Pathogens #Diagnosis #Differential
Infectious Causes of Adrenal Insufficiency
Anatomical distribution of vessels to the adrenal makes the gland prone to
• Virus: HIV (Predisposing ... Insufficiency #AI #differential
Posterior Ankle Impingement (Os Trigonum) Syndrome - MSK Radiology
Imaging Findings:
 • Os trigonum which has marrow
thickening/synovitis; Predisposing ... hallucis longus Differential
Freiberg Infraction - MSK Radiology
Imaging Findings:
 • Sclerosis of the 2nd MT head with flattening of
Predisposing ... Differential diagnosis
Nontuberculous Mycobacteria (NTM) Infections 

Mycobacterial species other than those belonging to the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex and
women without predisposing ... • Predisposing ... NTM #Infections #differential
IDSA Recommendations for empirical antimicrobial therapy for purulent meningitis based on patient age and specific predisposing
age and specific predisposing
Endocarditis - Duke Criteria - Major and Minor

 - Persistently +ve blood culture for
CRITERIA - Predisposing
Differentiating NBTE from Infective Endocarditis
No pathognomonic signs/symptoms or echo features that are specific to NBTE, and
Endocarditis (NBTE): • Predisposing ... Endocarditis: • Predisposing
Upper Urinary Tract infection (UUTI): Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings

Predisposing Factors:
 - Immunocompromised, Diabetes,
 - Elderly, Female
Clinical Findings Predisposing