Upper Urinary Tract infection (UUTI): Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings Predisposing Factors: - Immunocompromised, Diabetes, - Elderly, Female (short urethra) - Stagnant urine (anatomical variant, obstruction, neurogenic bladder, urinary reflux, pregnancy) - Indwelling urinary catheter, stent, nephrostomy tube -> Impairment of body's usual defense system, stagnant urine, iatrogenic growth surfaces allow bacterial accumulation Lower Urinary Tract Infection (LUTI) -> Bacteria ascend ureters from lower tract: As a complication of asymptomatic bacteriuria or cystitis (see LUTI slide) -> Bacteria's unique pili allow them to adhere to renal parenchyma -> Bacterial proliferation Usual Pathogens ("KEEPS"): K — Klebsiella E — E. coli E — Enterococcus, Enterobacteriaceae P — Proteus, Pseudomonas S — Staph. saprophyticus, Serratia #Upper #UrinaryTractInfection #UUTI #Pathophysiology #Signs #Symptoms