271 results
Supporting children born early #Management #Screening #PrimaryCare #Peds #Preterm #Premature #Surveillance #Monitoring #NICE #BMJ
Management #Screening #PrimaryCare ... Peds #Preterm #Premature
Statins for primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases (in patients at higher risk) - Patient Visual Decision
metabolic disorders, premature ... #PatientInfo #PrimaryCare
Osteoporosis - Bone Mineral Density Testing
Age > 50 years
 - All men and women >65
- Hypogonadism/Premature ... #Indications #PrimaryCare
Premature atrial complex (PAC) - ECG Recognition
 • Prematurity and altered P wave morphology.
 • P
Premature atrial ... seconds compared to premature ... #PACs #premature
The preterm infant compared with the term infant. 

#Preterm #Premature #Term #Comparison #PhysicalExam #Features #Peds #Pediatrics
#Preterm #Premature
Atrial trigeminy in which there are two atrial premature contractions (APC's) for every normal sinus complex.
are two atrial premature
Causes of Respiratory Distress in the Newborn - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Premature Newborn
 - Normal CXR:
Diagnosis Algorithm Premature ... Abnormality Not Premature
Summary of problems of Very Low Birthweight Infants

#Premature #Low #Birthweight #Peds #Pediatrics #Problems #Signs #Symptoms #Presentation
Birthweight Infants #Premature
The 3 Fates of a Premature Atrial Complex
 • PAC can be conducted with normal QRS
The 3 Fates of a Premature ... electrocardiogram #premature
Placental Abruption 
Premature separation of the implanted placenta from the uterine wall 
PAINFUL vaginal bleeding but..
Placental Abruption Premature