6 results
ECG of a 32-year-old lady with chest pain. 

Cath showed 100% proximal LAD Occlusion.
twitter.com/EM_RESUS #ProximalLAD
Quitter's Nail
Nicotine stained distally, but not proximally with clear line of demarcation. May also appear when
distally, but not proximally
Systemic Sclerosis (Scleroderma)
Multi-system autoimmune disease characterized by vasculopathy and progressive fibrosis of skin and internal organs
thickening extends proximally
Difficult Selective Biliary Cannulation (SBC)
Factors associated with difficult SBC:
 - SMALL PAPILLA: can be difficult to
portion, more proximally
Stuck Ring Removal Method

1. Gather floss, fishing line, umbilical silk, even IV tubing/TQ.
2. Distally--> wrap circumferential
Proximally--> feed ... material is tunneled proximally
Nail Pathologies - Findings in or Near Nails


A superficial infection of the proximal and lateral
and progresses proximally