15 results
PROSEVA definition of ARDS
Thus, the PROSEVA trial essentially modifies the Berlin definition of ARDS, with the
PROSEVA definition ... ARDS Thus, the PROSEVA ... CriticalCare #ARDS #PROSEVA ... #Definition #PseudoARDS
Approach to ARDS - PseudoARDS

A diagnostic/therapeutic strategy for ARDS is suggested, based on the PROSEVA trial
Approach to ARDS - PseudoARDS ... , based on the PROSEVA ... recruitment have pseudoARDS ... CriticalCare #ARDS #PseudoARDS ... #Algorithm #PROSEVA
Laryngeal Mask Airway - Recommended Sizing for the LMA Classic and LMA ProSeal, Based on Patient
Classic and LMA ProSeal
Christmas Tree Rash of Pityriasis rosea
 - small oval scaling patches
 - Christmas tree pattern
of Pityriasis rosea ... Rash #Pityriasis #rosea
Urticaria Mimics

Conditions That May Be Confused with Urticaria

Arthropod bites 
, Atopic dermatitis 
, Bullous pemphigoid 
, Pityriasis rosea
PseudoARDS-Collapse pattern
PseudoARDS-collapse is respiratory failure which is largely due to atelectasis.  The most common form
PseudoARDS-Collapse ... pattern PseudoARDS-collapse ... CXR #ChestXRay #PseudoARDS
PseudoARDS-Effusion Pattern

PseudoARDS-effusion refers to a patient with bilateral infiltrates who seems to have ARDS, but whose
PseudoARDS-Effusion ... Pattern PseudoARDS-effusion ... Clinical #ChestCT #PseudoARDS
Papulosquamous Skin Rash - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Erythrematous or violaceous papules & plaques with overlying scale
• Pityriasis Rosea
Maculopapular Rashes - THE ALGORITHMIC APPROACH 

The term maculopapule is a portmanteau, a combination
of macule and
or pityriasis rosea
Common Dermatological Conditions - Distribution and Morphology
 • Acne vulgaris - Face, upper back, chest -
• Pityriasis rosea