712 results
VFib Arrest on POCUS Echocardiogram

67yo male arrives unresponsive and pulseless after 20min continuous prehospital CPR. 

Arrest on POCUS Echocardiogram ... unresponsive and pulseless ... Cardiac #POCUS #Echocardiogram
Pseudo-PEA and True PEA on POCUS

Is there any meaningful decision making that this differentiates in a
differentiates in a pulseless ... POCUS #clinical #echocardiogram
Diagnosis and Treatment of Common Causes of Pulseless Electrical Activity (PEA)

#Pulseless #Electrical #Activity #PEA #Differential #Diagnosis
Common Causes of Pulseless ... Activity (PEA) #Pulseless
Priority-based management algorithm for the undifferentiated patient in PEA arrest
PEA (no pulse by manual palp +
arrest #algorithm #pulseless
Aortitis - Diagnosis and Workup
Clinical History:
 - Fever, weight loss, deterioration of general health
 - Aortic
Arterial stenosis (pulseless
Parasternal Long Axis (PLAX) Window - POCUS Echocardiogram Anatomy

#Parasternal #LongAxis #PLAX #Window #Anatomy #echocardiogram #view #POCUS
Window - POCUS Echocardiogram ... Window #Anatomy #echocardiogram
Bicuspid Aortic Valve on Echocardiogram

Dr. kazi ferdous @fazalabul

#Bicuspid #Aortic #Valve #Echocardiogram #POCUS #clinical #cardiology #plax
Aortic Valve on Echocardiogram ... Aortic #Valve #Echocardiogram
Patch dehiscence (post surgical correction of congenital VSD) on Echocardiogram

Ivan Stankovic, MD, PhD @Ivan_Echocardio

#VSD #Patch #dehiscence
congenital VSD) on Echocardiogram ... Patch #dehiscence #Echocardiogram
Cardiac Rhabdomyoma on Echocardiogram in Tuberous Sclerosis

Dr. Kazi Ferdous @fazalabul

#TuberousSclerosis #Cardiac #Rhabdomyoma #Echocardiogram #PLAX #clinical #ultrasound
Rhabdomyoma on Echocardiogram ... #Rhabdomyoma #Echocardiogram
Atrial flutter with AV block on Echocardiogram

Ivan Stankovic, MD, PhD @Ivan_Echocardio

#Atrial #Flutter #PLAX #psax #Echocardiogram #clinical
with AV block on Echocardiogram ... Flutter #PLAX #psax #Echocardiogram