3 results
Astigmatism: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Astigmatism - deviation from spherical curvature of the lens or eye

Refracting power
Refracting power of the cornea ... : cornea is steepest ... : cornea is steepest ... different points of focus ... pathophysiology #ophthalmology
Approach to an Eye Exam

1. History
2. Obvious Physical Trauma
3. Initial Assessment
  A. Visual Acuity
Approach to an Eye ... Accommodation, RAPD ... Cornea D. ... EyeExamination #Approach ... #Ophthalmology
Blurry Vision - Differential Diagnosis Framework

Anatomical Approach to Eye Disease:
1. Lids/Lashes
2. Extraocular Muscles/Motility
3. Conjunctiva/Sclera
4. Cornea
5. Anterior
Anatomical Approach ... Cornea 5. ... Trauma Cornea ... abrasion • Astigmatism ... differential #diagnosis #ophthalmology