871 results
Summary of All RCTs to Date on Endovascular Therapy for Acute Ischemic Stroke 

#EBM #Neurology #NeuroInterventionalRadiology
Summary of All RCTs ... Ischemic Stroke #EBM ... #Stroke #CVA #RCT
Summary of Randomized Controlled Trials Studying Docusate 

Source Article: https://www.journalofhospitalmedicine.com/jhospmed/article/193136/hospital-medicine/things-we-do-no-reason-prescribing-docusate-constipation

#Docusate #Colace #RCTs #Evidence #EBM #Trials
Docusate #Colace #RCTs ... #Evidence #EBM
What interventions do have proven mortality benefit?
The above factors predict that it's nearly impossible to prove
great majority of RCTs ... for multicenter RCTs ... benefit (1) #EBM ... MortalityBenefit #Table #RCT
History of Systemic Thrombolysis for Ischemic Stroke and Benefit in Neurologic Outcomes - Salim R. Rezaie
Rezaie @srrezaie #EBM ... NegativeTrials #TPA #RCT
Thrombolytics for stroke: The evidence - 
A summary of the evidence for (or against) thrombolytics for
#EBM #Neurology ... Thrombolysis #Stroke #RCT
Intravascular Complications of Central Venous Catheterization by Insertion Site
Complications in the Three-Choice Comparison, According to Insertion-Site
#EBM #RCT #Central
Summary of meta-analysis of pharmacotherapy trials in BPD
Meta-analyses of RCTs were undertaken for the following outcomes:
Meta-analyses of RCTs ... 5.2 and 5.4 #EBM
Central line myth #2: location, location, location 

By far the best data we have to guide
pubmed/26398070 #EBM ... #RCT #Central #
HUGS – Haloperidol for Gastroparesis #EBM #EM #GI #Haloperidol #Gastroparesis #FOAMCast
Gastroparesis #EBM ... #EM #GI #Haloperidol
RCTs of Steroids Alone and Septic Shock #sepsis #septicshock #hydrocortisone #infectiousdisease
RCTs of Steroids