325 results
RUSH Protocol: Rapid Ultrasound for Shock and Hypotension

Infographic by Dr. Jonny Wilkinson @Wilkinsonjonny 

#RUSH #Protocol #Rapid
RUSH Protocol: Rapid ... Wilkinsonjonny #RUSH
Rapid Ultrasound in SHock Evaluation
RUSH Protocol:
 • PUMP: LV contractility, RV strain, tamponade
SHock Evaluation RUSH ... jackcfchong #RUSH
RUSH(ed) Exam - POCUS Protocol
Rapid Ultrasound in Shock and Hypotension
1. Parasternal Long Cardiac View
2. Apical Four-Chamber
RUSH(ed) Exam - ... circumstances #RUSH
Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy on POCUS Echocardiogram

Patient is in shock. POCUS RUSH exam shows the shock is cardiogenic.
Complex Hydronephrosis on Renal POCUS

Look beyond the RUSH exam - normal echo/flat IVC/no abd FF/no AAA....
Look beyond the RUSH
Intussusception on POCUS

- Dr. Calloway Pichette
@CallowayPichet1 - Rush Emergency Medicine

#Intussusception #POCUS #Clinical #Ultrasound #Abdominal
CallowayPichet1 - Rush
Intraabdominal Abscess on POCUS

RUSH exam for fever, hypotension, abd pain.  You notice this in RUQ.
Abscess on POCUS RUSH
Rupturing AAA on Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS)

"Elderly patient presents with AMS and Hypotension RUSH exam
and Hypotension RUSH
Ruptured AAA on POCUS

Nice pick up with a POCUS RUSH exam in a patient with undifferentiated
up with a POCUS RUSH ... Excellent find on RUSH
Pigmented Purpuric Dermatoses (PPD) - Capillaritis

Group of chronic, benign, cutaneous eruptions characterized by the presence of
iron causes a rust ... brown tint of the rash ... of distinctive, rust-yellow