147 results
Capillary Refill Testing on Physical Exam

- The pressure is increased until the skin is blank and
Capillary Refill ... - A fill time ... Capillary #filling #Refill
Emergency Cricothyroidotomy Instructions #Management #CriticalCare #Emergency #Cricothyroidotomy #SurgicalAirway #Instructions #Procedure
Cricothyroidotomy Instructions ... SurgicalAirway #Instructions
Resuscitative Hysterotomy - Procedure Instructions Reference Card

#Management #OBGyn #Emergency #Resuscitative #Hysterotomy #Algorithm #Procedure #Instructions #Checklist #Teams
Hysterotomy - Procedure Instructions ... Algorithm #Procedure #Instructions
Emergency needle cricothyroidotomy instructions

#Needle #Cricothyroidotomy #Management #CriticalCare #Airway #Setup #Instructions
cricothyroidotomy instructions ... Airway #Setup #Instructions
Capillary filling time is measured by applying firm pressure on the ventral surface of the distal
- A fill time ... Capillary #filling #Refill
Prolonged Capillary Refill Time

Press a glass slide at the ventral aspect of index finger. Keep it
Prolonged Capillary Refill ... dr_supradip #Capillary #Refill

#Diagnosis #Procedures #Intraabdominal #Pressure #Measurement #ACS #Bladder #Instructions
INTRA-ABDOMINAL PRESSURE - Instructions ... #ACS #Bladder #Instructions
Interscalene Nerve Block Instructions by Jill Nickerson @ SinaiEM
#Management #Shoulder #Dislocation #Local #Anesthesia #Interscalene #NerveBlock #Instructions
Interscalene Nerve Block Instructions ... Interscalene #NerveBlock #Instructions
Posterior ECG Lead Placement #Diagnosis #Cardiology #MedStudent #EKG #Posterior #Lead #Placement #PosteriorMI #Instructions #ECGEducator
#PosteriorMI #Instructions
Lateral Canthotomy / Cantholysis - Procedure Instructions

The orbit is a relatively closed compartment and an acute
Cantholysis - Procedure Instructions ... Cantholysis #Procedure #Instructions