1963 results
Yergason's Test on Physical Exam
Yergason's test for biceps tendon pathology testing stability of the tendon within
Resisted ER, supination ... the abdomen 3) Resist ... Yergasons #Test #PhysicalExam
Resisted External Rotation Test

Infraspinatus and teres minor muscle strength is tested with resisted external rotation.
Pain or
Resisted External ... is tested with resisted ... open_michigan #Resisted ... TeresMinor #Shoulder #PhysicalExam
Cozen's Test for Lateral Epicondylitis

Cozen's test assesses for lateral epicondylitis. Lateral elbow pain with resisted wrist
elbow pain with resisted ... Epicondylitis #elbow #PhysicalExam
Maudsley's Test for Lateral Epicondylitis

Maudsley's test assesses for lateral epicondylitis. 
Lateral elbow pain with resisted third
elbow pain with resisted ... Epicondylitis #elbow #PhysicalExam
Lateral Epicondylitis Corticosteroid Injection

Lateral epicondylitis injection. Easy. Find point of maximal tenderness on palpating and should
that area with resisted ... clinical #video #physicalexam
Cozen's Test for Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)

The examiner should stabilize the elbow with patient's forearm fully
elbow pain with resisted ... Tennis #elbow #PhysicalExam
Illustrations showing elements of a shoulder assessment. Also included on a shoulder assessment would be determination
as the patient resists ... #Diagnosis #PhysicalExam
Cozen’s Test for Lateral Epicondylitis ("Tennis Elbow")

Also known as the "resisted wrist extension test".  
known as the "resisted ... clinical #video #physicalexam
The Shuck Test for Scapholunate Instability

The Shuck test assesses for scapholunate instability. 
With the wrist flexed,
, the examiner resists ... #Hand #Wrist #PhysicalExam
Ely's Test for Rectus Femoris Spasticity

Ely's Test assesses rectus femoris spasticity.
With the patient prone, the examiner
, the examiner resists ... Spasticity #Hip #PhysicalExam