24 results
Argyll Robertson Pupil
 - Irregular and small (1-2mm) pupil
 - Light-near dissociation (accommodation remains intact)
Argyll Robertson ... neudrawlogy #Argyll #Robertson
Argyll-Robertson Pupil on Physical Exam
Small (myotic), irregular pupil that do not react to light but do
Argyll-Robertson ... Medicalknowled1 #Argyll #Robertson
Spectrum of Glomerulonephritis 
Pathology - Common Diseases - Typical Presentation 

By Dr. John Roberts @John_K_Roberts

#Glomerulonephritis #Spectrum
John Roberts @John_K_Roberts
Pupillary Abnormalities  Overview
 - Unequal Pupils (anisocoria)
 - Tonic pupil (Adie's pupil)
 - OculomotorNerve (CN
indicate Argyll Robertson
Paradoxical Breathing on Physical Examination - Acute Respiratory Distress

Dr. Roberto Cosentini @rob_cosentini

#Paradoxical #Breathing #Respiratory #Distress #clinical
Roberto Cosentini
Paradoxical Respirations in Acute Respiratory Failure on Physical Exam

- Dr. Roberto Cosentini @rob_cosentini

#Paradoxical #Respirations #Breathing #Respiratory
Roberto Cosentini
Hoover’s Sign on Physical Exam

Paradoxical retraction of the lower intercostal spaces on inspiration in this patient
Roberto Cosentini
Digital clubbing found in a 64 year old woman seen for pathological patellar fracture after a
Roberto Cosentini
Equipment needed for the aspiration of the corpus cavernosum for low-flow priapism (Roberts + Hedges’)
#Management #Urology
low-flow priapism (Roberts
Mydriasis and Miosis - Differential Diagnosis Framework

Causes of Mydriasis:
Dilated pupils (mydriasis) more than 7mm
 • Unilateral
Syphilis (Argyll Robertson