1715 results
Major dermatomes and cutaneous nerves - Anterior and Posterior Views

#Diagnosis #Anatomy #Dermatomes #Dermatomal #Nerves #Roots #Cutaneous
Dermatomal #Nerves #Roots ... #Cutaneous #neurology

#Diagnosis #Neurology #Peripheral #Nerves #UpperLimbs #Extremity #BrachialPlexus #Roots #Injuries #Deficits #Radial #Median #Ulnar #Axillary
#Diagnosis #Neurology ... BrachialPlexus #Roots
Peripheral Nervous System Disorders

1 Anterior Horn Cell
2 Spinal Roots and Nerves 
3 Peripheral Nerve—Mono-neuropathy  
Cell 2 Spinal Roots ... Nerve #Neuropathy #Neurology
Myotomes of the Spinal Cord
Each segmental nerve root innervates more than one muscle. For simplicity, certain
segmental nerve root ... single spinal nerve root ... SpinalCord #Diagnosis #Neurology
Brachioradialis Supinator Reflex on Physical Exam 

Innervated by C5,C6 nerve roots

#Brachioradialis #Supinator #Reflex #PhysicalExam #clinical #video
by C5,C6 nerve roots ... clinical #video #neurology
Spinal Cord Injury by Nerve Root Levels
Spinal Root	Sensory	Motor	Reflex
C4	Acromioclavicular Joint	Respiration	None
C5	Radial Antecubital Fossa	Elbow Flexion	Biceps Reflex
C6	Dorsal Thumb	Wrist Extension	Brachioradialis Reflex
C7	Dorsal
Injury by Nerve Root ... Levels Spinal Root ... differential #diagnosis #Neurology
The inverted or paradoxical triceps reflex consists of flexion of the elbow in response to percussion
Root neurological ... clinical #video #neurology
Lumbar Stenosis - Canal and Foraminal Stenosis Grading

How do we tell if the nerves have enough
nerves have enough room ... there's enough room ... it is fat—extra room ... and the nerve roots ... Foraminal #diagnosis #neurology
Dizziness and Vertigo Algorithm
 • Feels "faint" or like they are going to "pass out"
• Feels like "room ... differential #diagnosis #neurology
Hoffman's sign. Even in this specific case, accompanied by a clonus outline (rhythmic contractions). The median
and the spinal root ... clinical #video #neurology