823 results
Infraspinatus scapular rotation test - Patient has pain when externally rotates shoulder against resistance (with elbow
Diagnosis #Ortho #Sports ... Infraspinatus #RotatorCuff
Hawkin's Test 1. Position arm in throwing position and flex forward 30 degrees. 2. Examiner internally
Diagnosis #Ortho #Sports ... Supraspinatus #RotatorCuff
Jobe's Test ("Empty Can" Test) 1. Position arm in scapular plane and point thumb down as
Diagnosis #Ortho #Sports ... Supraspinatus #RotatorCuff
Labral tear - Crank Test 1. Position patient's arm in 90 degree abduction and elbow flexion
Diagnosis #Ortho #Sports ... #Labral #Tear #RotatorCuff
Subacromial Impingement - Neer Test 1. With the arm fully pronated, the examiner raises the arm
Diagnosis #Ortho #Sports ... #Impingement #RotatorCuff
Drop Arm Test 1. Position patient's arm fully abducted so hand is over the head. 2.
Diagnosis #Ortho #Sports ... Supraspinatus #RotatorCuff
Labral tear - O'Brien Test - 1. Position patient's shoulder in 90 degree flexion, elbow extended,
Diagnosis #Ortho #Sports ... #Labral #Tear #RotatorCuff
Shoulder Exam - Provocative Testing

Supraspinatus muscle injury:
 - Jobe’s Test
 - Hawkin’s Test
 - Drop Arm
Testing #Maneuvers #RotatorCuff
Illustrations showing elements of a shoulder assessment. Also included on a shoulder assessment would be determination
#PhysicalExam #RotatorCuff
Shoulder Bone Anatomy
Clavicle, Acromion, Scapula, Humerus

By @rev.med

#Shoulder #Bone #Anatomy #sports #orthopedics
Bone #Anatomy #sports