2754 results
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) - Diagnosis and Workup Summary
Use a positive diagnostic strategy with minimal testing.
Don't Forget to Rule ... Diarrhea: - Rule ... including bulb) - Rule ... TinaPhamHang via Emory Gastroenterology ... Diagnosis #workup #gastroenterology
Approach to Conjugated Hyperbilirubinemia - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm

1. Definition: T.bili elevation + >20% conjugated
2. Obtain RUQ
cholestasis - rule ... Diagnosis #Algorithm #gastroenterology
Ottawa Ankle Rule #Diagnosis #Management #EM #Ortho #Sports #Ottawa #Ankle #Foot #Rule
Ottawa Ankle Rule ... #Ankle #Foot #Rule
Evidence supports the Ottawa ankle rules as an accurate instrument for excluding fractures of the ankle
the Ottawa ankle rules ... #Ankle #Foot #Rule
Ottawa Ankle Rule #Diagnosis #Management #EM #Ortho #Sports #Ottawa #Ankle #Foot #Rule
Ottawa Ankle Rule ... #Ankle #Foot #Rule
The Canadian C-Spine Rule is a well-validated decision rule that can be used to safely rule
Canadian C-Spine Rule ... well-validated decision rule ... used to safely rule ... Canadian C-spine Rule ... Canadian #CSpine #Rule
Hypoglycemia Treatment with 15-15 Rule 

Here's a post about hypoglycemia, a simple review but very important
Treatment with 15-15 Rule ... low, the 15/15 rule ... #1515 #Management #Rule
Serotonin Syndrome Diagnosis Algorithm

 #Diagnosis #Neurology #Psychiatry #SerotoninSyndrome #Algorithm #Hunters #Rule
Algorithm #Hunters #Rule
Centor - Clinical Decision Rule for Management of Sore Throat #Diagnosis #Management #EM #IM #Centor #Criteria
Clinical Decision Rule
Today in the OR, the anesthesiologist shared with me his "Coffee Cup Rule" for ETCO2 obstruction
his "Coffee Cup Rule ... EndTidalCO2 #CoffeeCup #Rule