41 results
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors: Mechanisms and Side Effects
 • Serotonin Syndrome:
   - Autonomic Hyperactivity:
Akathisia • SSRI ... sensations) #SSRIs
Comparison of withdrawal effect likeliness between common antidepressant medications

#psychiatry #depression #antidepressants #ssri #snri #discontinuation #withdrawal #comparison
antidepressants #ssri ... #snri #discontinuation
Neuromodulators for Disorders of Gut Brain Interactions (DGBIs)
SSRIs - When anxiety, depression, and phobic features are
Interactions (DGBIs) SSRIs ... Ligand Agents • SSRI
SSRI Initiation
How long before increasing dose?
 • 4 wks. Initial response in 2-4 wks, max response
SSRI Initiation ... BrighamChiefs #SSRI
Causes of Depressed / Lethargic Newborn - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Maternal Related:
 • Drugs (Ex. SSRI)
SSRI) • Diabetes
IBS-D Pharmacotherapy

Tricyclic antidepressants

#IBSD #IBS #Diarrhea #Irritable #Bowel #Syndrome #pharmacology #table #comparison #management #treatment
antidepressants SSRIs
Selective Publication of Antidepressant Trials

A more complete picture: contrasting the journal version of antidepressant trials with
Antidepressants #SSRIs
Functional Dyspepsia Management Options - Efficacy
 - Proton pump inhibitors
 - H. Pylori treatment
 - Metoclopramide
Low dose TCA - SSRI
Antidepressant Medications Decision Aid
 - The choice of depression medications in primary care is difficult as
#DecisionAid #SSRIs
Causes of Hyperpyrexia (Temp > 106.7° F) - Differential Diagnosis
 • Heat Stroke
 • Drug-induced: Amphetamines,
Serotonin syndrome: SSRIs