300 results
#Clinical #Radiology #CXR #CTChest #Longstanding #Sarcoidosis #Fibrosis #Conglomerate #Nodules #RadiologyAssistant
#Clinical #Radiology ... Conglomerate #Nodules #RadiologyAssistant
#Clinical #Radiology #CXR #Garland #Triad #GarlandTriad #Sarcoidosis #Lymphadenopathy #ParatrachealStripe #RadiologyAssistant
#Clinical #Radiology ... ParatrachealStripe #RadiologyAssistant
#Anatomy #Clinical #Radiology #CXR #Lateral #Vasculature #PulmonaryArteries #PulmonaryVeins #IVC #RadiologyAssistant
#Anatomy #Clinical ... #Radiology #CXR ... PulmonaryVeins #IVC #RadiologyAssistant
Septic emboli
On a follow up CXR only a small lungcyst is seen. #Clinical #Radiology #CXR #Lateral
#Clinical #Radiology ... Lateral #Cyst #RadiologyAssistant
S1Q3T3 on ECG - Pulmonary Embolism Until Proven Otherwise

- Sam Ghali, M.D.

#S1Q3T3 #ECG #EKG #Electrocardiogram #Cardiology
Otherwise - Sam ... Electrocardiogram #Cardiology ... #Clinical
The mediastinum can be divided into an anterior, middle and posterior compartment, each with it's own
#Clinical #Radiology ... #Compartments #RadiologyAssistant
On the left three different patients with lung cysts.
From left to right: Lymphangiomyomatosis, LIP and Langerhans
#Clinical #Diagnosis ... #Radiology #CTChest ... Histiocytosis #RadiologyAssistant
Abdominal X-Ray Anatomy and Interpretation Checklist
 - Is there bowel dilatation, wall edema or pneumatosis?
Interpretation Checklist ... interpretation #radiology ... labeled #anatomy #clinical
LVOTO due to SAM on POCUS Echocardiogram

Septic patient after IV fluids and initiation of Levophed. Worsening
LVOTO due to SAM ... Dynamic LVOTO due to SAM ... Motion #LVOTO #SAM ... Echocardiogram #ultrasound #Cardiology ... #PLAX #clinical
Notice the cavitation especially on the right.
In the left upper lobe there is probably some traction-bronchiectasis
#Clinical #Radiology ... TractionBronchiectasis #RadiologyAssistant