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Numerical Mnemonic for Salter Harris Fractures 
Imagine numbers drawn through the epiphyseal plate.

#Diagnosis #Ortho #SalterHarris #Fractures
Fractures Imagine numbers ... Diagnosis #Ortho #SalterHarris ... Types #Mnemonic #Numbers
Pediatric Fractures - Salter-Harris Classification 
Pneumonic: SALTR
#Diagnosis #Radiology #Ortho #Peds #Fracture #SalterHarris #Classification #Types #SALTR #Mnemonic
Peds #Fracture #SalterHarris
A quick guide for Salter Harris fractures. How to remember and parents want to know the
Management #Ortho #SalterHarris
Salter-Harris Classification
Salter-Harris Fractures involve the physis and cartilaginous epiphyseal plate near the ends of the long
Diagnosis #Ortho #SalterHarris
Cutis Verticis Gyrata: Idiopathic development of excess folds and furrows within the skin of the head.
acromegaly, and a number ... Verticis #Gyrata #Photo
Acanthosis Nigricans: Velvety appearing, hyperpigmented skin. Associated with diabetes and a 
number of other disorders. Multiple
diabetes and a number ... Nigricans #SkinTags #Photo
Salter Harris Physeal Injury Classification

S - Straight through - Type I - Separation through the physis
growth plate #SalterHarris
Polychromatophilia - Note 2 large blue-gray erythrocytes as seen on H&E stain. On a stain for
The left photo also ... and the right photo ... rapidly and in great numbers
Pyoderma Gangrenosum: Autoimmune disorder resulting in a vasculitis which causes slowly progressive 
ulceration of the skin.
associated with a number ... Images #Clinical #Photo
The second method uses small boxes. Count the number of small boxes for a typical R-R
Count the number ... Divide this number