561 results
Tweetorial - What's the deal with Ammonia in hepatic encephalopathy?

Try to answer this question while also
Encephalopathy #Sarcopenia ... Cirrhosis #Tweetorial #Hepatology
Magnesium Deficiency and Alcoholism

Risks associated with Mg deficiency in alcoholism:
 • Affects protein synthesis. energy production,
cardiomyopathy, sarcopenia
The Causes of Cirrhosis

#Diagnosis #Differential #Hepatology #Cirrhosis #Causes
#Differential #Hepatology
Signs of Chronic Liver Disease ( Cirrhosis )

#Diagnosis #Cirrhosis #Signs #Symptoms #Hepatology
Signs #Symptoms #Hepatology
FibroScan Scale from F0 to F4

#Diagnosis #Hepatology #Fibroscan #Interpretation #Cirrhosis #Fibrosis
#Diagnosis #Hepatology
Portal Hypertension Differential

#Diagnosis #Hepatology #Differential #PortalHypertension #PortalHTN #Prehepatic #Posthepatic #Intrahepatic
#Diagnosis #Hepatology
Bilirubin Metabolism - Pathophysiology
 • Conjugated Bilirubin
 • Unconjugated Bilirubin

By Dr. Khushboo Gala @LouLectures

#Bilirubin #Metabolism #Pathophysiology
Pathophysiology #hepatology

#Diagnosis #Hepatology #Cirrhosis #ChildPugh #Score #Criteria #Class
#Diagnosis #Hepatology
Focused evaluation algorithm for acute liver injury

#Liver #Injury #Acute #Evaluation #Algorithm #Diagnosis #Hepatology
Algorithm #Diagnosis #Hepatology
Cirrhosis leading to Chronic Liver Failure - Clinical Signs and Symptoms

#Cirrhosis #LiverFailure #Signs #Symptoms #PhysicalExam #Findings
Findings #Diagnosis #Hepatology