13 results
Tweetorial - What's the deal with Ammonia in hepatic encephalopathy?

Try to answer this question while also
Tweetorial - What's ... Encephalopathy #Sarcopenia ... #Cirrhosis #Tweetorial
Tweetorial - Stevens Johnson Syndrome (SJS)

By Dr. Steven Chen @DrStevenTChen

#StevensJohnsonSyndrome #SJS #Dermatology #Diagnosis #Tweetorial #Pathphysiology
Tweetorial - Stevens ... Dermatology #Diagnosis #Tweetorial
Tweetorial - What is the mechanism of night sweats?

By Dr. Tony Breu @tony_breu

#NightSweats #Tweetorial #Pathophysiology
Tweetorial - What ... #NightSweats #Tweetorial

Read on for tips on how to prescribe them, which one to
Tweetorial - TOPICAL ... #Dermatology #Tweetorial
Magnesium Deficiency and Alcoholism

Risks associated with Mg deficiency in alcoholism:
 • Affects protein synthesis. energy production,
cardiomyopathy, sarcopenia
Signs and Symptoms Associated With Different Headache Etiologies
 • Nonfocal mental status changes - Meningitis, encephalitis,
Intraparenchymal bleed, tentorial ... pressure, SAH, tentorial ... nerve palsy - Tentorial
Tweetorial - How do calcium channel blocks (e.g., amlodipine) cause edema? 

By Dr. Tony Breu @tony_breu

Tweetorial - How ... CalciumChannelBlockers #Tweetorial
Tweetorial - Why doesn't pneumonia (or other issues with gas diffusion) lead to increased pCO₂?

By Dr.
Tweetorial - Why ... pCO2 #Increased #Tweetorial
Tweetorial - How does diabetes mellitus (DM) lead to an increased risk of infection? 

By Dr.
Tweetorial - How ... Infections #Risk #Tweetorial
Tweetorial - Why is the chancre of primary syphilis painless?
Why don't we see syphilitic pneumonia?
Was mercury
Tweetorial - Why ... Painless #Chancre #Tweetorial