6 results
The Schatzker classification system of tibial plateau fractures is shown.


Frequency: lateral (less bad, more
The Schatzker classification ... Schatzker Types ... TibialPlateau #Fractures #Schatzker
Dysphagia Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Oropharyngeal Dysphagia
 • Tumors
 • Zenker's Diverticulum
 • Foreign Bodv
Neuromuscular Toxic/Metabolic
 • Myasthenia
Intermittent Symptoms • Schatzki
Dysphagia - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm

Oropharyngeal Dysphagia 
Esophageal Dysphagia 
 • Upper 2/3 (striated muscle): stroke, NMJ
adenocarcinoma, DES, schatzki
Oropharyngeal and Esophageal Causes of Dysphagia - Differential Diagnosis
Oropharyngeal Dysphagia
 • Neuromuscular causes: CVA/CNS tumor/ALS, Parkinson's,
Intrinsic compression: Schatzki
Dysphagia - Differential Diagnosis Framework

Symptom | Diagnosis
• Solid-food dysphagia present for months to years | Mechanical
esophageal ring (Schatzki
Orthopedic Fracture Classification - Pelvic and Lower Limbs
Letournel Classification Acetabular Fractures:
 • Simple Types: Anterior column,
Segmental fractures Schatzker