2777 results
Cardiogenic shock schematic strategy of care. #cardiology #cardiogenicshock #criticalcare #vasopressors
Cardiogenic shock schematic ... #cardiology #cardiogenicshock
Schematic examples of the cause of acute mitral regurgitation. 
LV, left ventricle; PM, papillary mucle; SAM,
Schematic examples ... #Differential #Cardiology
Diastolic Function Grading - Schematic diastolic filling patterns

I: impaired relaxation, II: moderate diastolic dysfunction (pseudonormal), III:
Function Grading - Schematic ... #Diagnosis #Cardiology
Schematic of the Continuity Equation to Calculate Velocity, Aortic Valve Area:
#Diagnosis #Cardiology #AorticValveArea #Continuity #Equation #Calculation
Schematic of the ... : #Diagnosis #Cardiology
Ascites, pericardial effusion, and left pleural effusion on subcostal 4-chamber POCUS echocardiogram

Subcostal window in SLE patient.
Labeled Schematic ... clinical #ultrasound #cardiology
Anterolateral Papillary muscle rupture on POCUS Echocardiogram

Labeled Schematic: https://twitter.com/EUSmkh/status/849251857704902656

#Anterior #Anterolateral #Papillary #muscle #rupture #POCUS #Echocardiogram #Clinical
Echocardiogram Labeled Schematic ... Clinical #PLAX #Cardiology
Severe Mitral Stenosis on Transesophageal Echocardiogram
Spontaneous contrast 'smoke' in the left atrium
AF + stasis = huge
hockey stick" sign schematic ... Echocardiogram #Clinical #Cardiology
Hemopericardium and Cardiac Tamponade on POCUS Echocardiogram

Next best step for this 25yo male (SBP 70)?
Resolution: pericardiocentesis
Lotterman Labeled Schematic ... #Pericardial #Cardiology
Pneumopericardium on POCUS Echocardiogram

This 70yo male presents with sob. He is in a left lateral decub
sob Labeled Schematic ... Echocardiogram #clinical #cardiology
Apical Thrombus on POCUS Echocardiogram - PLAX and PSAX

What is the structure indicated by the arrow?
Labeled Schematic ... PSAX #clinical #cardiology